Flowers of the Yard

A rose by any other name might be called a weed.
A rose by any other name might be called a weed.

We have a very natural Northwest Florida yard. That would be pretty much the opposite of a manicured yard. My basic philosophy is, if it is green and will grow in this sand, I'm not killing it. There are exceptions, of course, but we're not talking about those.

Spring in my yard is a gorgeous array of colors until the lawnmower comes out. I wanted to capture some of that beauty and share it with you. I give you:

Flowers of the Yard: A Gallery

Nearly every one of these beautiful living things are called weeds by most humans. I think that is sad. It says more about the human than the plant.

Renowned horticulturalist Carl Norton once told me, "A weed is just a plant growing where you don't want it."

I wonder what you call humans growing where you don't want them? I doubt you'd find them beautiful as these weeds.

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